Our Philosophy

At Maisha, we believe simple is beautiful. We value the small things in life. We take delight in what nature has to offer. We are awestruck by the variety and beauty of God’s creation. We treasure moments of quiet stillness. We esteem family, friendship, companionship. We are thrilled at the sound of children playing, of heartfelt laughter, of squeals of joy.

We are happy to be alive!

We recognize that good things take time. We believe in the infinite wisdom of God’s plan, and in the perfectness of His timing. We love to take baby steps, and watch Him work out His plans and His purposes for us as only He can. We count on His provision for now and for the future. We look back in awe at what He has already done, and we keep our eyes and hearts open in anticipation of what He is yet to do. We depend on Him to take care of all our concerns, whether big or small. We trust Him – because He is completely trustworthy!

We believe it is possible to have fun in a loving environment, surrounded by family and friends, without the need to indulge in untoward excesses or to compromise one’s morals, ethics and principles. We like to think of ourselves as a place where one can have the opportunity to be oneself, to take pleasure in the simple things in life, to delight in the days of one’s youth, to enjoy the afternoon years of one’s life, and to rejoice in the faithfulness of a loving God.

We recognize that life is a journey, and that we are all masterpieces in the making. We know that we are not yet perfect. We look forward to arriving at our final destination, but we take joy in the journey too. To us, every day is an opportunity to learn something new, to do something different, to be better, to grow. So if sometimes we seem to fall somewhat short of expectations, please be patient – God’s not finished with us yet!

We welcome you to consider your time at Maisha as an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of creation and to reflect on the Creator. We hope that, in the quiet moments as well as in the loud, you will catch a glimpse of His infinite beauty and hear the gentle sound of His still, small voice. And as you exit our gates, we hope that you’ll go out with a renewed resolve to know Him better, to love Him more, and to serve Him for all of your days, as you continue to journey along life’s road. Our prayer for you? Maisha!  May you enjoy life, in its fullness, for a lifetime – and then some!

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